Fall 2014 Broward Undergraduate Research Grant

Celene Andreano: Climate News & Public Awareness in South Florida: A Media Analysis of Climate Change, Social Impact & Locality
- Nominated by Patricia Widener, College of Arts and Letters - Sociology
Reid Richardson: Corrosion Propagation Assessment
- Nominated by Francisco Presuel-Moreno, College of Engineering - Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Adriana Olavarria: Mechanisms of invasion of Brazilian Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius)
- Nominated by Nwadiuto Esiobu, College of Science
Alphonso Manotas: Development and Testing of a Functional Scale for Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Nominated by Monica Rosselli, College of Science - Psychology
Jonathan Llampay: Marine Hydrokinetics
- Nominated by Deidre Hardy, College of Design and Social Inquiry - Architecture
Alexander Garcia: Temporal Variability of Biogenic gases in Peat Soils from the Everglades using Capacitance Moisture Probes
- Nominated by Xavier Comas, College of Science - Geology
Patricia Le: Bacterial Community Structure of the Oral Cavity of a Southern Nigerian Population
- Nominated by Nwadiuto Esiobu, College of Science - Biological Sciences
Estevao Santos and Phennatda Polpornvitoon: Morphological and Genetic Identification and Ecology of Early Life Stages of Invasive and Native Freshwater Apple Snails
- Nominated by Nathan Dorn and John Baldwin, College of Sciences - Biological Sciences
Pieter Conradie: Color and Other Media in Architectural Installations
- Nominated by Henning Haupt, College of Design and Social Inquiry - Architecture
Blanca Martinez: Digital Fabrication Processes for Bio-morphological Panels
- Nominated by Keith Van de Riet, College of Design and Social Inquiry - Architecture